Wednesday, June 28, 2017

So it Begins

We have been dreaming a long time.  So long that I feel like we have always had this dream.  In reality it’s probably been about 4 years.  It’s funny how things change, your dreams change, your actions change once you become a parent.  Life takes on a different meaning.  You start reading labels, wanting to know what is in EVERYTHING you feed them and put on them.  And, if you are as crazy as I am, you start thinking even as early as when they are crawling about what kind of school they will go to and the things you want them to learn. 

Then you start to plan to create a life that allows you to do all of the things that you want to do for your family without breaking the bank. 

For us that dream means living a sustainable lifestyle, being able to produce as much as we consume ourselves.  Being able to grow the majority of our food and meat.  Being able to live off the land and give our children the best of life without being constantly in debt. 

The big problem with that?  In the area we are from land prices are ridiculous.  Sometimes a third of an acre going for $100K plus.  I understand supply and demand, and this place is BEAUTIFUL so I understand people wanting to live here, I mean I couldn't imagine living anywhere else!  But for those of us who don’t bring home six figures or not interested in overwhelming debt, you feel stuck.

Once we started talking about purchasing a tract of land we started making a list of things our dream property would need to have and praying.  Water (like a spring) would be a necessity, wooded area with mature trees, a good couple of acres would be great, in our home town close to our families and with a price tag we could feel good about.  It was all just a fantasy at that point.  That is until Hubby actually had a dream or vision of sorts where the Lord dropped into his spirit that the land we were to purchase would have good water, it would be 8 acres or better and gave him the price that we could reasonably afford to pay off in a timely manner.

So we knew it was out there and we knew that just anything would not work.  We knew that in God’s time we would find the property He had for us.

In the early part of 2016 Hubby was contacted by a family friend who had a great loss in his family.  A great loss that I cannot fathom.  But due to this they had a piece of property for sale.  After some talk back and forth we found out that it was 14 acres +/- , was wooded and hadn’t been logged in the past probably 80 years, it had 2 springs and was only a few miles from Hubby's parents home.  He talked to them about price and after some negotiations they agreed with the price that the Lord had given him.  It seemed meant to be.

It has taken many blessings and a year later for us to finally get to today.  Those blessings include; the 14 acres turning out to be 16.31, our needing $10k to put down to get the loan turning into just a few thousand due to us already making a good faith payment to the sellers, a hiccup with the title search that turned out to be nothing and everything just working out so smoothly.

So today, June 28th, 2017 we went to the lawyer’s office and signed the papers on our new property. 

We are blessed beyond belief at the thought that we now own land in our home town and in a community that has been home to both of our families for several generations back.  We feel like we are going back home to be with our people.

So it begins, the long process of turning this land into a homestead, a homeplace for our children.  And making a long awaited dream come to fruition. 

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

3 Years Later...

Well, turns out that I was busier than I thought I'd be back then!  I mean really, how could a working mother with a busy toddler not have a few extra minutes to sit down and put some rational thoughts together?!?  Haha!  I suppose I was living in a fantasy world then!

Turns out that I might still be in a fantasy world now, time will tell!

 The Boy is 4 years old now and full of spunk and  is quite STRONG WILLED!  I love him fiercely and even though he keeps me on my toes and a bit ragged some days I wouldn’t change him for the world!  In October 2016 we welcomed Little Miss as the newest addition to our family, she is laid back and brings us all so much joy!  I love them and feel blessed to be called mama!

You see, my heart’s desire has always been to be a mama and God graciously gave me that!

After I became a mom four years ago though, as it was, my heart’s desire changed and all I wanted was to be a stay at home mom. However, at that time we were sure we needed two incomes so I went back to work when The Boy was 3 months old.  Over the next few years the Hubby and I became more committed to the idea and once we got pregnant with Little Miss we were dedicated to make it work.  Once she was born I never returned back to my full time (outside of the home) job.  It was a leap of faith but God has blessed us each way we have turned during this time.  I would be remised to fail to mention how much He has helped me grow my faith in these past few months!

Being a stay at home mom suites me, I’ve decided.  I can be a homebody, so being home is no problem plus there is always something to do….or clean….or wash….or wipe up….or change….well you get the picture.  I am terribly blessed with a husband who tells me and shows me his appreciation and who is dedicated to me and our family and is a willing participant in parenting!  You don’t always find that with husbands.  Don’t get me wrong, he’s not perfect, but he is perfect for me and we make a pretty great team if I do say so!

Together we have found a piece of property that we have fell in love with and that God truly has brought to us (more on that another time) and we are now in the beginning processes of purchasing and turning this vacant land into the homestead of our dreams!  Lots of work to do and decisions to make in the future!

Come follow us as we, undoubtedly, make mistakes, make decisions and make memories along the way to the Old Path!