Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Just a quick introduction to me and my new blog.
Life is so busy; I have a full time job outside of the home, but most importantly I'm a wife and a mother to a very active toddler! So why a blog too? Well as busy as I am just surviving right now I also have many goals for my little family and I wanted to document the journey.

So why 'Old Paths New Ways'? Well frankly the major goal in my daydreams is to become more and more self sufficient and to return to the 'old ways' of how our grandparents lived while using new ways of doing things. Imagine if you will, lush green fields, chickens running around, gardens abounding and a happy little milk cow munching on green green grass! A large family running around, the kids homeschooled on academics and farm life/life skills and all of this in a home/on land that is paid for! Sounds like a tall, tall order - and it is - but you know what they say, 'How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time'! And we're getting ready to start taking some small bites!
